The last few weeks I've been dabbling with iOS (the iPhone/iPod operating system) and building an iOS application. Well, it's just about done. It's a simple utility program that calculates standard atmospheric parameters (temperature, pressure, density, speed of sound) at any altitude. The numbers can be toggled between metric and Imperial (or English) units, and there's a nice little flipside view for additional information.
I've had it working on the iPhone simulator for a couple of weeks now, but I finally ponied up the cash to be an official developer and so I can load it on development devices, i.e. my own iPhone, iPad and iPod. So far it's just on the iPhone, but it works as I hoped and looks reasonably slick...
So there's a quick look at the icon, the front view and the flipside view (accessed by touching the little "i" button on the bottom right of the main view.
I'll let you know if and when it hits the app store (free!)
Meanwhile I'll be playing around with a few more ideas.
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