This is rapidly becoming my favorite blog. In particular, these posts, Most Classroom Learning Sucks, Dealing with a legacy school system and now Interaction vs. one-way communication combine to point out just how the way most subjects are taught, whether in school, the workplace, and even church just fails to deliver the goods. Not only that, when someone tries a different method, people get bemused to the point of bafflement.
There have been some interesting posts recently in defense of the traditional lecture, particularly by Maggi and Hugo. It's OK, nobody is saying that the lecture method never works, just that it only works for some of the people some of the time. and it doesn't work for some people almost any time. I think you'll find that people who are "good lecturers" are actually applying and using many other learning principles as well as lecture. And good lecturers are actually few and far between. The norm is much closer to Ben Stine in Ferris Bueller.
A critical pitfall of lecturing is that it can easily become a performance, where it's all about the performer, completely missing the point that it's supposed to be for the benefit of the learner...